Terms and Conditions


This document containing our Terms and Conditions in conjunction with our Privacy Policy lays out terms under which you can use our website “CryptoTusker.com” and its services and contents. It also constitutes an agreement of use between you and CryptoTusker.com, so, please read these Terms and Conditions thoroughly and carefully. If you agree to these Terms and Conditions, you can proceed to use our website and its services and contents, otherwise please stop using this website forthwith and exit from it.


We reserve the right to remove or make amendments in these Terms and Conditions as and when dictated by circumstances and/or legal requirements and would update this page accordingly. Therefore, you are requested to review these Terms and Conditions periodically to be aware of our latest Terms and Conditions for using our website as these Terms and Conditions are very important and your use of our website depends upon acceptance or rejection of these terms.


By accessing, using, browsing our website, you represent to us that you are above 18 years of age and have read, understood and agree by these Terms and Conditions. Users below 18 years of age can also access, use and browse our website under the parental guidance and supervision. You agree that before uploading any content or information to our website or use of it, you will register yourself with us and you will provide your true personally identifiable information including but not limited to your complete name, age postal residential address, email address, mobile number etc.


All information or content including, but not limited, text, files, images, videos, graphics, logo, trademarks, patents, domain names, brands or labels you see on our website are either owned by us or by our licensors or we use them under ‘fair use policy’. Use of such material in violation of these Terms and Conditions or instruction mentioned in the content, is strictly prohibited. Your use of our website does not entitle you to use our licensor’s intellectual property whether for commercial or non-commercial purpose. For that purpose, you have to obtain separately the written permission of respective individual owner/organisation.

Though our website does not use any objectionable or offensive content, yet you are advised to ensure before using our website that the Content which you wish to access is not restricted by age or marked as potentially ‘offensive’ or ‘explicit’. We shall not accept any responsibility for any claims or offence alleged to have been caused to you by such alleged content.

By using our website, you agree to these terms and conditions that you will use the content on our website only for personal and non-commercial purposes. You will not use our website and services in violation of laws, rules, regulations, guidelines etc as applicable internationally, nationally or locally. The aforementioned content or services are provided to you on “AS IS” basis and may not be used, copied, sold or otherwise exploited for any other purposes whatsoever without the prior written consent of the respective owners. Use of our website and services for any unauthorised purpose may fasten you with severe civil and criminal penalties.

Content of Third-parties

You may see on our website some content relating to advertising, promotional or sponsored content, or links to third party websites, displayed by third parties. We accept no responsibility for such content by Third-Party websites, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions therein as we exercise no control over these Third-Party websites. As a user of our Website, it is your responsibility to exercise due diligence and enquire before making transactions involving your money, data, personal information, etc or acting on third party promotional content in any manner.

Prohibited Use

You are prohibited from using our website in any manner which may cause harm, tempering, infecting with virus, interrupting or limiting the functionality of our website or its security systems, or our users’ computer systems hardware and software etc of our users, host or network. Partaking in such activities in any manner may result in criminal penalties and/or civil liabilities. You are also prohibited from sending unsolicited emails for the purposes on promotional or marketing campaigns by collecting emails and other data of users from our website in unauthorised manner. You are further prohibited to upload, publish, transmit, store or share any information which is obscene, vulgar, pornographic, paedophilic, invasive of another person’s privacy, gender harassing, libellous, defamatory, profane, threatening, offensive, racially or ethnically objectionable, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise inconsistent with or contrary to the international, national or local laws in force. You are further prohibited from using our website, its content and services to commit financial fraud, cheating or any kind of financial crimes. You are further prohibited from using our website and services to violate the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of others or violate the privacy or other personal rights of others.


As a user of our website and services, you agree to defend and indemnify the owner, affiliates or agents of CryptoTusker.com from and against all third party claims and all liabilities, assessments, losses, costs or damages resulting from or arising out of use of CryptoTusker.com and/or breach of any of these Terms and Conditions.


The content and services on our website are provided on “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You agree that we do not and cannot make any warranty, either express or implied, that our services will be uninterrupted or error or virus-free. You agree and acknowledge that you are using our website at your own risk and that you may be exposed to content from different other sources beyond our control. Under any circumstances, we shall not be liable for any direct and/or indirect, damages caused by your use or inability to use our website and services.

For the content, statements or conduct of any third-party providing content or service on our website, you agree that we shall assume no responsibility or liability to user, or anyone, because we have not control over the third parties’ content including advertorials etc on our website. We advise our user to verify the accuracy and authenticity of content either posted by us or by third-party/ies before acting upon such content. It is, however, made clear in absolute terms that, in any case our total liability to the user for all damages or/and losses or/and causes of action shall not exceed the amount paid by the user to us, if any, that is related to the cause of action.

You agree and understand that on facing any problems, issues or concerns while using our service, whether as a visitor or a newsletter subscriber, your only remedy (subject to applicability of national, international and local laws) is to stop using our website and services.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of India. The Courts at Chandigarh shall have exclusive jurisdiction in case any dispute arises pursuant to your use of our website and service.